What time is it anyway

November 7, 2014

Summary of Daylight Saving Time:

6am: Is that a cat tapping my head? What the hell time is it? Wait. It’s light outside.

9am: I have so much energy. I can do everything! (which for me means get the mail, feed the cats, and throw the mail in the garbage)

3pm: These days aren’t shorter. What are people talking about? SO MUCH LIGHT.

5pm: Damn it’s dark out. Good night.


I went down like a box of rocks after a quick trip to the bank and riding my bike 3 blocks yesterday. My body’s way of reminding me to slow my roll, quite literally, I guess.

Frustrating. Sad. Discouraging.

I can remember when I could ride my bike for a couple miles without even breaking a sweat.

For the past week or so I’ve been focusing more on doing different things to strengthen my right side: rolling dough for homemade pop-tarts, folding laundry, walking up and down the stairs.  Anything to force myself not to baby my right arm and leg. It doesn’t sound like much, has become a favorite phrase of mine, but it’s exhausting for me.

Adding to the list of things I never thought I’d say: thank God for Daylight Saving. Truth is, I feel like going to bed by 7 o’clock on most nights anyway. Without Daylight Saving I felt a wuss; with Daylight Saving I’m passed out and don’t care. Silver lining.

Come to think of it, I think we just went off Daylight Saving Time. So if we’re not on DST, what are we on? Do I need to switch the without/with in the paragraph above? Too many questions and it’s past my bedtime. zzzzz

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  • Reply missgiven November 8, 2014 at 3:49 pm

    We dont have DST but sun goes down early due to the mountains blocking it so it feels like we do.
    Always on your side, Carrie.

    • Reply This Free Bird November 11, 2014 at 3:34 am

      Thank you so much, Ann. That means a lot to me. xo

  • Reply Katie November 8, 2014 at 6:20 am

    Tonight we went to our fave mexican place and as soon as we sat down one of the waiters (who apparently knows us too well) said “pitcher of margaritas and cheese dip?”

    Naturally, I thought of you.

    Hang in there. Been meaning to text you to check in.

    • Reply This Free Bird November 11, 2014 at 3:34 am

      This waiter sounds like a genius! We don’t have cheese dip here and it makes me sad. Queso forever. Even though I’m not in the best of health, I’m still eating chips and salsa in my mind. HAHAHA!! Your comment made my day 🙂

  • Reply Jen November 7, 2014 at 4:18 pm

    I believe Daylight Savings is in the spring and we’re on Standard Time now…I am a morning person so the early to bed/early to rise suits me just fine! Doesn’t seem to matter how we change the clocks, the cats are always on it an hour before I am.

    This early darkness time of year kind of sends us into hibernation and rest mode so we’re ready for spring…not that you want to be where you are in your recovery process, but perhaps this is a means to set your sights on a spring revival, and relish this time for plenty of rest and taking it slow. BF the cat seems ok with the idea – at least in the picture! 🙂

    • Reply This Free Bird November 11, 2014 at 3:32 am

      I’ve been thinking on this season of winter and rest. It’s relieving to know this is a quiet period to recuperate. And thanks for the 411 on the Standard Time thing. Hope you won’t hold it against me if I don’t correct it above. Hehe

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