All Posts By

This Free Bird


Just a little more

I knew I was back in the land of the living (or is that the dead), when I rolled into Taco Bell in San Luis Obispo and the kid behind the counter asked me if I was ready to think outside the bun. Bun, what…

March 6, 2015

Corkscrew yourself

Chris took that crazy picture of me two months after the last stroke. Some people might be embarrassed have it out there, but I’m not. It marked the first time I was able to put all my weight on my left leg, even though…

February 19, 2015

When a couch is no longer just a couch

Lately I can’t make decisions for shit. What do you want for lunch? I don’t know, what do YOU want for lunch? zzzzzzz Within the last year, the couch started sagging in the middle. I didn’t notice at first but then, when I did,…

February 10, 2015

And the beat goes on

The other night Chris and I spent two hours test driving vacuums. Two hours. In one store. When it comes to vacuums all I care about is if it sucks everything up and doesn’t make me choke when I empty the canister. Not so…

January 29, 2015