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This Free Bird

One step forward, wait have I used that one before?

Over the holidays I heard someone say: Bad things happen fast, but we have to live through them slow. Okay fine I heard it on General Hospital (long time guilty pleasure) and cried like a baby. I actually still have the episode saved on…

January 22, 2015

Into the unknown like Helen Keller

Well, it’s officially a new year. All I’ve done so far is ride my bike, earth, and look for cats; all goals met and exceeded. This morning I polished off my last pastry until I cave in two days and eat another. Now what?…

January 9, 2015

Peace out 2014

What can I say? I don’t usually do these year end wrap-up things but was going through a bunch of pictures last night, trying to avoid the chocolate peanut butter balls my friend made me for Christmas, and started feeling nostalgic. Seriously, I could…

January 1, 2015

Salvation Mountain: what’s your dream?

On Sunday morning I woke up holidayed out and stir crazy. I’d read about Leonard Knight’s Salvation Mountain last year and put it on my list of things to do, so decided to hop in the car and check it out. You can read…

December 31, 2014