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This Free Bird

Summer Wearing

Just go ahead and tell on yourself

After spending the past six months bitching and moaning about how much I hate the rebirth of the slide (sandal), I thought it only right to come on here and confess I caved and bought a pair. They’re good. They’re really good. This crow…

July 31, 2014

How do they make it look so easy?

I’m going to go ahead, knock on wood and say summer’s not been treating me too badly this year. Aside from combating feelings of uselessness/internal hysteria when people ask how work is or what I do for a living, this whole free time thing…

July 29, 2014

Say it like you mean it

There’s an old saying that goes something like this:  you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family. I’d have to say that hasn’t been the case for me. Last week I got home from two glorious weeks in Hawaii…with my ex-boyfriend’s…

July 23, 2014

Fight or flight? Flight

Yesterday a guy I’ve done some search work with called to thank me for referring a nice chunk of business to him. We hadn’t spoken in about 6 months so it turned into a catch-up session, semi-overdone on his part based on sheer gratitude.…

June 18, 2014