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This Free Bird

Every Little Thing

Pardon me while I just fade off into blogland and disappear for a couple weeks. This is what happens when you become ‘of a certain age’ and a 7 and 3 year old come to visit. EXHAUSTION SETS IN. Allow me to take a…

December 13, 2012
Eating Gluten-Free Sweet

Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble

I made this dessert on Thursday night, was about to eat it and then decided to see if Pat was up for some.  Hooray for all hoorays she was so I took it over and got to see her for a few minutes.  I’ve…

June 4, 2011
Eating Savory

The Ultimate Guacamole Recipe

Guacamole is one of my all-time favorite things to eat. Not only is it great with chips and salsa, it’s the perfect topping on a burger. Now that I think of it guacamole is also good on its own. With just a spoon and…

May 5, 2011
Eating Gluten-Free

Simple Spring and Summer Salad

Have you ever had a day where you just wanted to slap everyone in sight?  Well imagine a whole week full of those days.  Not pretty.  Ever since the 74 year old handicapped hoarder smashed into the back of my car last week he’s…

May 6, 2010