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clamorings from the coronavirus quarantine

May 6, 2020

I wrote this on day 14 of the quarantine and just found it. It’s day 14 of the quarantine. I just got home from the grocery store where I wore disposable gloves. The items I purchased are all resting in a clorox spritz for 15 minutes before I wipe them off and put them in the cupboard. I’ve washed my hands M*A*S*H style (3 separate times just to be sure) with soap and warm water while silently singing the Happy…

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Why you should always stop to pet the dog

**Let me begin by saying the picture in this post has nothing to do with the actual post, I just LOVE the picture and it’s winter so let’s just embrace and rejoice.** One morning last week I finished my morning loop around the neighborhood…

February 11, 2020

2019: the year of the beatdown

Summary of 2019: Returned  from Christmas in Canada with the flu. First real flu since high school. January: so sick I finally decide to try light pilates at the end of the month in case lethargy and depression are causing this flu/backache. Can’t really…

December 31, 2019