Browsing Category


Why can’t I stay out of strangers’ living rooms?

Last week I was pedaling around the neighborhood looking for cats (Cats of the Shore – yet another shameless plug) when I caught a familiar one out of the corner of my eye. Circling back to grab a quick pic led to a 2…

August 14, 2014

It puts the culottes in the basket

All hell broke loose in here the other day when I decided to get a bag of clothes together for Goodwill and instead managed to fill an entire closet full of things to sell or give away. We’re talking the good stuff: Jen’s Pirate…

August 8, 2014


I realize I might catch some shit for this, but it’s what I truly think and has been on my mind a lot lately: With the rise of (people misusing) social media, sacred things have lost their meaning. Everything is for sale, yet nothing…

August 4, 2014

How do they make it look so easy?

I’m going to go ahead, knock on wood and say summer’s not been treating me too badly this year. Aside from combating feelings of uselessness/internal hysteria when people ask how work is or what I do for a living, this whole free time thing…

July 29, 2014