Replace the bag or perish

April 7, 2015

Chris and I are currently engaged in a silent yet heated match of ‘who is going to replace the garbage bag?’. There’s one simple rule around here: whoever uses up the last bit of whatever (ie. tp, papertowels, GARBAGE BAG) is responsible for making sure there’s a new one in its place. If you’ve ever lived with another person, you are likely aware of how this game works. Everything is going along smoothly until one day one of the parties…

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Doing time

March 24, 2015

I got summoned for jury duty. Despite not having any experience in jury duty, here is how I envision it going: 8:05am: What do you mean I was supposed to be here at 7:30? 8:06: is it over yet? 8:07: is it over yet? 8:08: is it over yet? 8:15: Surely to God it’s got to be close to noon. Brief nap 8:30: did someone steal my bag? 8:31: where’s the bathroom? 8:35: do we get a 15 minute break?…

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Peace out, old bird

March 13, 2015

Yesterday I archived old content and removed it from the site. If you’re looking for an outfit, there’s one Mrs. Roper situation from last summer and that’s it. Similar scenario with the recipes. The process was kind of long but cathartic. I got tired of looking at current posts and seeing old outfits stemming back to three and four years ago listed as ‘popular’ on the side. It’s a different day. Also, I can’t believe how young I looked in…

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Psssst, over here

March 10, 2015

Lady at the bank: Honey, don’t be watching that stuff anymore. ————————————– The other night I watched Citizen Four and now I don’t want to be on the internets anymore. Period. Technically, having watched Citizen Four, I shouldn’t even be here, on the internets, acknowledging I’ve watched Citizen Four and no longer wish to partake of the world wide web. Or the phone company, the instagram, the, the google, the youtube, the facebook or even the very bank I…

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