
October 9, 2014

Today was a tough day. I woke up fine and read for a little while, then laid there listening to the sounds outside. Doors slamming, heels clicking, people going to work. I got up and went to my desk to stare out the window and pay some bills. I don’t know. Suddenly it just hit me: I miss working. For all the times I’ve bitched about being stressed out, at least it was my stress and I had the option to take…

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Up and down

October 7, 2014

Thank you – everyone – for the encouraging comments, emails, and texts.  I wish I could express in words how much your kindness means to me.  Thank you just doesn’t seem like enough. On Friday I decided to try going down the stairs. After not getting out for a week I was going nuts and was pretty sure I could do it, and I did. My nephew’s birthday is coming up so I took it a step further and asked Chris to take…

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You spin me right round like a record

October 1, 2014

Last week a couple of people emailed to see if I was okay because I haven’t posted in over a month. First, I just want to say thanks. That meant a lot to me. Interestingly, I caught myself hesitating before saying I was okay; like if I said it I might jinx myself. I spent most of the summer screwing around (see posts immediately previous to this, but mostly instagram because I didn’t update here all that much) and thinking about what…

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It’s like it was waiting for me

August 21, 2014

Chris and I were looking for a parking spot at the farmer’s market when I saw this rad van. We got out just across from it and he snapped a picture of me. When we walked away I said, “It’s like it was waiting for me.” Yesterday I was feeling a little discouraged. After last week’s stellar sales on eBay things had hit a lull. I feel like I’m so close to the end of shedding old things and just…

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