How to not get your call returned

May 7, 2014

We spent last week in Big Sur and IT WAS AWESOME. On Sunday, after avoiding it for as long as possible, I checked my voicemail and found the following: “This is so-and-so. My number is xyz-123-abcd. My other number is bla-deb-lahd. {pause, pause, pause, exasperated sigh} I have a position to get filled and you need to call me back ASAP.” I sat there for a second, played it back, listened again and then promptly mumbled, ‘good fucking luck with…

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Press in and hold on

April 24, 2014

On Friday I stepped foot in church after more than a year. It went okay so I went back on Sunday making for a grand total of the most I’ve attended church in over three years. You might be thinking whoop-de-do so she went to church. NEXT! But it’s actually a big deal for me because I used to go to church every Sunday and loved it. But then I dated a pastor for almost ten years. For more than…

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French fries will get you nowhere

April 17, 2014

Synopsis of the past 120 hours: Friday 3:30pm: I let B.Franklin out the back door and get a whiff of barf. Thinking the people downstairs have gone back to the partying I run back inside before I meet my Waterloo. Friday 5:30pm: B.Franklin wants back inside. I open the back door, sure enough barf smell is still there. Maybe it’s not the neighbors? It’s hot so I stick my head in Frank’s condo to check for rotting bird carcass. Nada.…

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Let it go

April 10, 2014

Last year I did the unthinkable and cut my wardrobe in half. It was a long time coming and a brutal process, but kicked off a season of purging in my life. After it was underway I realized it was happening across the board, like a snowball effect. The ultimate cleanse. Prior to getting sick I started to revamp this site. Combing through old content left me tired and, at times, disgusted. The overall theme was buy, cry about how…

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