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Big Sur


2017 Recap – Don’t look back

January 4, 2018

Last night the pizza delivery guy showed up around 9:30 just as a sore throat claimed my last coherent moments of December 30, 2017. I walked outside barefoot because old habits die hard and he was wandering in the street like a lost dog looking from the receipt on the bag to the sky like wtf is this place. Yes sir, I feel you. I’m not going to give a moment, a breath, a keystroke to talking about the person…

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Just a little more

I knew I was back in the land of the living (or is that the dead), when I rolled into Taco Bell in San Luis Obispo and the kid behind the counter asked me if I was ready to think outside the bun. Bun, what…

March 6, 2015

Think on these things

A couple weeks ago some broccoli fell on my head at Whole Foods. Not one bunch, but like all the bunches rolled off the shelf in a torrential downpour of broccoli. I could feel everyone stop and turn around, and the guy next to…

June 11, 2014